Dislodged Teeth
Mouth traumas can cause teeth to be moved. Teeth can be pushed further into the tooth socket or pulled farther out of the socket. When either of these things happen, please call your general dentist immediately. Your tooth will need to be repositioned properly as soon as possible. If there is significant pulp damage, you might be recommended to our office for a root canal.
Avulsed Teeth
An avulsed tooth is one that has been completely knocked out of its socket. With this injury, the first hour afterward is critical, having the best chance of saving the tooth. The chance of saving the tooth decreases with each passing hour.
After the tooth has been knocked out, recover the tooth, making sure to hold it by the crown (top) and not the root end. Rinse, but do not clean or handle the tooth more than necessary. Reinsert the tooth in the socket and hold it in place using a clean piece of gauze or cloth. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, carry it in a cup containing milk or water. Because time is essential, see a dentist immediately. He or she will reinsert the tooth, and after 1-2 weeks, you will need endodontic therapy.
Apexogenesis, Apexification, Resorption
Endodontists are highly trained and have specialized in treating various traumas to both immature teeth in children and mature teeth in teens and adults. Accidents that have caused holes in a tooth can be repaired, and the patient will not lose his or her tooth.
Non-vital Bleaching
When teeth have darkened because of a trauma, we can whiten them to match the rest of your teeth! The materials we use are highly effective at bleaching, but can also cause damage to the gum tissue around your teeth. To prevent irritation, we put a rubber sheet over your mouth and expose only the teeth that need whitening. We use an operating microscope to precisely apply the whitening material to keep your gums safe!